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Child and Youth Care Education Resources

Video – Research Collaboration – Humber Research & Child and Youth Care Educational Accreditation Board.

Finding equanimity teaching and learning online – By Christine Slavik

Child and Youth Care Practicum Resources

(Compiled by the CYC Practicum Committee of the CYC Educational Accreditation Board) 


The following list is a collection of Child & Youth Care (CYC) practicum resources for educators, supervisors, students, and other people intersecting with CYC practicum. It is offered in the spirit of highlighting CYC practicum knowledge, to support those who design, deliver, and experience it.

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

The following list includes available resources (mainly literature) concerning both Child and Youth Care (youth work, psychoeducation, etc.) and practicum (field work, field placement, internship, etc.). It excludes all other information, including, for example, other human service professional education practicum literature, and resources if CYC and practicum is not one of the primary topics of the resource.


Must Read

Child and Youth Care Educational Accreditation Board of Canada Research Committee. (2016). A preliminary investigation into field work models in Canadian child and youth care education [Report].

CYC Practicum Education

Ainsworth, K. (2016). Reimagining practicum in twenty-first century child and youth care.   [Unpublished master’s research project]. School of Child & Youth Care, University of Victoria.

Forkan, C., & McElwee, C. (2002). Practice placements: A cornerstone for child and youth care training. Child and Youth Care Forum, 31(6), 381-396. 

Hovington, S., & Dufour, S. (2021). Psychoeducation internships in Quebec: An overview of practices and challenges. Journal of Psychoeducation, 50(2), 223-244. 

Keough, M. (2016). Practicum education in child and youth care. [Unpublished master’s research project]. School of Child & Youth Care, University of Victoria.

Keough, M. (2016). Sailing through the fog: practicums in Canadian child and youth education. Relational Child & Youth Care, 29(3), 123-136. 

Ostinelli, P. (2015). The essential first CYC practicum. Relational Child & Youth Care Practice, 28(3), 36. 

Stuart, C., Snell, H., & Magnuson, D. (2019). Post-secondary education as a crucible for learning practice (pp. 192-208). In K. Gharabaghi & G. Charles (Eds.), Child & youth care across sectors: Canadian perspectives (Vol. 1). Canadian Scholars. 

Snell, H., Magnuson, D., McGrath, J. & Pauls, M. (2018, May). Outstanding in the field? Starting a conversation about field practicum in CYC postsecondary education [Conference session]. 20th and 12th Triennial International Child and Youth Care Conference, Richmond, BC, Canada. 

Yang, S., & Lawrence, B. (2020). Decolonizing praxis: Implications for child and youth care. [Unpublished research poster]. School of Child & Youth Care, University of Victoria.

Learning Outcomes, Competency Development, and Teaching & Learning

Cragg, C. (2020). Child and youth care in the field: A practicum guidebook. Canadian Scholars. 

Emslie, M. (2009). Blood, sweat and tears: Youth work students on placement and ‘good WIL.’ Journal of Cooperative Education & Internships, 43(1), 65-74. 

Hovington, S., Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Mann-Feder, V. R. (2020). Innovation in a capstone course in youth work: Using the authentic situated learning and teaching framework. International Journal of Child, Youth and Families Studies, 11(3), 146-166. 

Hovington, S., Bédard, D., & Dufour, S. (2020). Enhancing the development of soft skills of psychoeducation interns: The design of a pedagogical innovation. Journal of Psychoeducation, 49(1), 99-119.

Huhtala, J., Hewitt, J., Wood, S., Bassett, T., Kanagasuriam, S., & Bellefeuille, G. (2020). Reflections on self-reflection: A course-based qualitative inquiry into the self-reflective practice of child and youth care students. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 10(3), 1-6.

Kostouros, P., & Briegel, M. (Eds.). (2018). Child and youth care practice: Collected wisdom for new practitioners. CYC-Net Press. 

Ranahan, P. (2018). De/valuing youth work: Revealing tensions in professional identity development while enhancing and applying mental health literacy. Child & Youth Services, 39(2-3), 137-157. 

Stuart, C. A., & Carty, W. (2006). The role of competence in outcomes for children and youth: An approach for mental health [Report]. Toronto Metropolitan University. 

Student Supervision

(Including: Field/Site Supervisors, Course Instructors, etc.)

Awai, S. (2018). Practicum supervision in child and youth care: A guide for site supervisors. [Unpublished master’s research project]. School of Child & Youth Care, University of Victoria.

Batasar-Johnie, S. (2017, September). Reflections of supervision: The development of a growing CYC. CYC-Online, 33-40.

Lam, M. (2019, August). The circle of courage and the supervisory relationship with practicum students. CYC-Online, 47-56.

McElwee, C., O’Reilly, P., McKenna, S. (2002). From moth to butterfly: Thoughts on student practica supervision from education and practice. Child and Youth Care Forum, 31(4), 269-281.

Oates, R. (2016). Exploring child and youth care internships. Relational Child & Youth Care Practice, 29(3), 46-58. 

Student Reflections

Beneteau, C. (1993). My developmental stages as a child and youth care student. Journal of Child & Youth Care, 8(3), 35-49. full text here:

Blake, J. (2016). Refusing to lose: A students journey through academia. Relational Child & Youth Care Practice, 6-13.

Fraser, L. L. (2013). A journey reconsidered: An autoethnographic exploration of a CYC international practicum placement. [Unpublished master’s thesis] ttps://

Lalonde, V. (2009, September). “Trust in the process:” A personal account of the journey through field placement. CYC-Online.

McManus, N. (2009, July). Reflections on a successful practicum experience in child and youth care. CYC-Online.

Newbury, J. (2007). Reflexivity in practice: Reflections on an overseas practicum. Relational Child and Youth Care Practice, 20(2), 50-56. 

Scott, J. (2006, August). Tales from the field: A practicum in Bangalore, India. CYC-Online.

Send us Your Resources

We encourage you to send CYC practicum resources and/or feedback (including incorrect categorization, etc.) about this resource list to the CYC Practicum Committee, c/o Carys Cragg, via email at The committee will review it during their regularly established schedule (approx. 1/academic term), with the intention to treat this list as a living document. Please include the title of this document (“Child & Youth Care Practicum Resource List”) in your Subject line, along with the full bibliographic information (including links or pdfs, if available). We look forward to hearing from you.