New members are welcome.

All members are appointed by the Board of Directors. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact Dianne at

Communications Committee

Paola Ostinelli

The Communications Committee supports the internal and external communications priorities of the CYCEAB, including web-based communications and public relations.

Committee terms of references can be found at this link:  Communications Committee

Education Committee

Charlotte Serpa

The Education Committee:

  1. works collaboratively with the National CYC Conference Organizing Committee to facilitate the pre-conference Education Day;
  2. serves as a liaison for feedback relating to professional development opportunities from all of those involved in CYC education be they post-secondary educators, students, young people, agency partners, or CYC practitioners, to ensure a vibrant and dynamic educational accreditation process; and
  3. gains feedback from the membership and Education Day participants to develop ongoing professional development opportunities.

Committee terms of reference can be found at this link:  Education Committee

Finance Committee

Jessica Morris

The Finance Committee assists the CYCEAB Board of Directors in fulfilling its governance responsibilities with respect to the overall financial planning and sustainability of the CYCEAB. Its role is primarily to provide financial oversight for the not-for-profit organization.

Committee terms of reference can be found at this link:  Finance Committee

Human Resources Committee

Rebecca Stiller

Under review. The mandate of the HR Committee is currently the responsibility of the Executive Committee.

The Human Resources Committee is responsible to:

  1. oversee and administer the human resources policies, plans, and procedures;
  2. review, approve, or recommend for board approval, decisions relating to hiring, delegating responsibilities, compensation, approving professional development, and evaluation of key employees; and
  3. review, approve, or recommend for board approval, decisions related to accreditation site reviewers.

Committee terms of reference can be found at this link:  Human Resources Committee

Nominating Committee

Charlotte Serpa

The Nominating Committee recruits members for election to the Board of Directors and manages elections.

Committee terms of reference can be found at this link:  Nominating Committee

Policies and Procedures Committee

Rebecca Stiller

The Policies and Procedures Committee is responsible for creating and updating policies and procedures, for approval by the Board of Directors, which will facilitate CYCEAB operations in accordance with CYCEAB bylaws.

Committee terms of reference can be found at this link:
Policies and Procedures Committee

Research Committee

Committee is not active at the current time.

The Research Committee provides direction to the Board of Directors on a) research and data collection tools for the purpose of accreditation and b) research related to the experience and effectiveness of accreditation.

Recommendation Panel

Chair (rotational)

Members are board-approved reviewers and are appointed by the Board of Directors or the Human Resources Committee for each accreditation applicant.

The Recommendation Panel is responsible for the accreditation recommendation to the CYCEAB Board of Directors on Child and Youth Care programs that have completed the accreditation process as outlined in CYCEAB policy. Members of the panel are CYCEAB-approved reviewers and are considered recognized experts in the Child and Youth Care field. The panel considers the site reviewer’s findings from their site visit and their review of the self-study report which includes the quality enhancement plan and other related documents.

The Recommendation Panel considers two major criteria:

  1. the degree to which the program demonstrates alignment with current CYC principles and practices and
  2. the level of rigour of the pre-service programs provided for students.

Practicum Committee

Kate Pipe

The purpose of the Practicum Committee is to promote and support CYC field work as a core component of CYC education. This committee is dedicated to ongoing review of CYC practicum design and delivery to continually promote the development of CYC excellence. Appreciating the contextual diversity of field work across Canada’s post-secondary CYC credentials, the committee intends to achieve the following:

  1. Develop, review, and recommend Practicum definitions and standards.
  2. Inform and provide recommendations to the Board of Directors as it relates to Practicum within CYC education.
  3. Encourage and support professional development, ongoing research, and information sharing in collaboration with CYCEAB.

Committee terms of reference can be found at this link:  Practicum Committee

Standards Development and Implementation Committee

Wendy Weninger

The Standards Development and Implementation Committee provides direction to the Board of Directors on the accreditation requirements for post-secondary Child and Youth Care (CYC) programs.

Committee terms of reference can be found at this link:
Standards Development and Implementation Committee